Saturday, April 22, 2006


The last few weeks I have been taking a beating from work and school and my usual plethora of social obligations. I have been extremely run down and the sleep deprivation had started to take its toll, but that doesn't stop me and Devil Inside from living up to all our obligations.

This last weekend was full for us as it usually is. We attended the wedding of one of my dearest friends down in Everglades City. It was one of the best weddings that I had been to in a while, because the wedding was truly reflective of their personalities and how they felt about each other (and before you get all huffy, shell your wedding was awesome also). It started to make me think about how weddings have become so commercialized and impersonal. Everyone has to have the same things as everyone else and the wedding totally becomes about impressing the guests instead of the love between two people. The same flowers, the same dresses, the same menus, and on and on .. you get the point.

Many of you might not get why I am making a big deal about this particular wedding, because you are from different areas and our cultures are a little different (if you read my tag blog you might remember reading something about me being a redneck, but lets keep that on the down low).

First of all the wedding took place in Everglades City. For those of you that are not familiar with the area, the Everglades is mainly swamp, but it is really beautiful down there. It is about a hour and a half drive from where we are at.

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Everglades City

The place they had the wedding at wasn't at a church, but it was a really nice restaurant. The kind that you can actually take a boat ride to and park your boat out back on the docks. The wedding ceremony took place in the same place the reception was to be held. It was really nice to have it in the same place, because right after the wedding we didn't have to worry about running around to get to the reception. A total stress reducer.

All the tables were decorated beautifully with glasses for each guest that commemorated the occasion and in the middle of each table there was a mason jar with wildflowers wrapped around the top. Inside each mason jar was 3 little goldfish swimming around and there were different shaped marbles on the bottom. I swear it was the coolest thing. I wish I had a picture.

The groom is in the army and they wanted to correlate this with the wedding. So, the groomsmen had camouflage bowties and the girls had latte colored dresses with shawls that were latte on one side and camouflage on the other. It actually looked really cool. At the front of the reception area was an arched trellis decorated with different wildflowers and and ligthts and this is where the two made their vows. Although the ceremony itself was short and sweet, it was very touching. You just got the feeling that this is going to be one of the marriages that last. All the food was awesome (except for the roasted pig since I dont do pork) and everyone had a great time. Kinda makes me want to get married. NOT!! lol

Here are a few pictures. There are 3 bridesmaids and I am the one in the middle. Unfortunately you can't really see me in them, because of my friends huge tatas blocking me. lol

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For some reason I was a little camera happy on the way home. It was a really long trip, so here are the goofy pictures I took.

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Devil Inside took this picture. It took him a really long time to get my son to do it. He thought for sure that it would come to life and eat him.

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My son had no problem participating in the picture fun, but

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my daughter was too interested in watching Harry Potter.

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For those of you who have never seen all devils awesome tat's here you go.

Happy Tuesday!!

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