Monday, January 22, 2007

Hell if I know.....

Random Thoughts of Contemplation….

~ZZ Top is playing in a month….I can't decided if I want to go or not.

~I am contemplating a spine tattoo…I found one I like, but I just can't make up my mind about it. I can't talk to Chris about it because then he gets tattoo fever and seriously he already has 28 and he will also drive me buggy about going.

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~I told my kids I would get them mp3 players and I have been browsing around for 2 weeks now and can't decide which one to get them. Money is not the issue...durability is. I guess.

~I have been thinking about finally trading in my car. I mentioned this to Chris and I swear half his face disappeared from the smile he got. I can't decide how, where, or what kind I want though.

~I can't decide whether or not to cash out my 401k or roll it over when I quit my job. I could really use the money to pay for school, but it sucks to not have that security that I have been working so hard to build.

~I don't know what I want for lunch and it is driving me nuts.

~I don't know...I don't know...I don't know...

~I do however know that Adam is an asshole for deleting his account and when I get home tonight he is gonna hear from me over the phone. Peckerhead......

Well I thought that maybe by putting it out there to read maybe I could make a decision about something, but I am beginning to see that that is not going to happen. There are a hundred other decisions to make when these ones are done….I hate being all growed up.

Responsibility sucks.

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