Thursday, January 25, 2007

Random Thursday

It's that time again. Time for a little randomness……

~I am tired. I am so effin tired, that I just want to lay my head down on my desk and go to sleep. My eyes are so heavy and I can't get my body to wake up.

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~Last weekend Chris and I took some things out to my dads for a garage sale. We didn't bring much, about a truck load and a few pieces of furniture. We ended up selling all of the furniture to this one lady that showed up. She explained that she had just gotten out of prison and had been there for 10 years. She was now out, working, and rooming with someone until she could find her own place. Thing was….she had nothing, absolutely nothing to her name. I don't know what it was about this lady, but she just exuded that "good people" vibe and I felt for her. When you have been that person that has nothing; that person that goes without, then you can't help but want to extend out and give them everything you can since you know what it feels like. And that is what we did. We sold her Chris' expensive antique cherry bedroom set (solid wood), a television, a pair of beige pure marble end tables (expensive as shit), and we even threw in a microwave and lamp for free, for a grand total of $80. The whole lot of furniture was worth well of a grand, but it didn't matter. It just felt good to help someone out and she truly appreciated it. (Side note: She was not put in prison for murder and the circumstances are really rather inconsequential, but I will say that she just got wrapped up with the wrong man.)

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~Baseball/Softball has been rather interesting so far. Unfortunately the kiddos will have to be there 3 nights a week for 1 ½ - 2 hours a pop, but it will all work out. They are both already kicking some ass. My son has moved up a level after only one year of t-ball, due to skill and he is doing great. My daughter, well she has always been awesome and last night she was tearing it up. I am so grateful for having such amazing kids. They never cease surprising me with their brilliance.

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~Well one week down and 14 to go for school. Monday was my first Organic Chem class and as many of you know I hate chem. with a passion. It is the only subject that has been a challenge for me and that I actually had to study for to pull an A. Well Organic is not so bad…so far. But, we shall see.

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~Did I mention I was tired?? I think I did.

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~The next chapter of Rocky Road will be up Monday for those that give a shiate. The next of The Grip is written, but not edited so that one will have to wait. I have to get the next weeks done for The Blue Doodle tonight, plus some homework. Like I mentioned previously in case you missed it, The Grip is preferred only due to content. Let me know if you are not on the list.

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~I was talking to my step mom on her front porch this weekend and all the sudden in the middle of me talking I noticed there was a monarch butterfly that was fluttering around. I totally stopped mid-sentence and said awww look at the flutterby and then continued on with what I was saying without breaking stride. After the realization that I had just done that….I decided I truly may need some therapy oohhh look at the purty……

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~I seen this photo on SUZZ THE BULLSHIT SLAYER!!'s blog yesterday and seriously… Do men actually become that desperate that the hand just doesn't work anymore or what??

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~Last but not least today is not only the birthday of someone important that was lost recently, but also the birthday of one of the most awesomest magnificent beautimous people in the world. Please go over and give Cheryl some birthday wishes. She is the best. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Happy Thursday!!!

1 comment:

Steven said...

This was a good post with a lot of goo...awwww...look at that centepede...he's got so many legs... ;)
