Friday, February 02, 2007


Let me just first start off by saying this has been the week from hell. The shit has really been hitting the fan.

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Seriously screw this week and the horse it rode in on, cuz this bitch is done. I won’t sit here and bore you with the long details, so here are the short ones.

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I managed to buy my son 2 left shoes and my daughter 2 different sizes this weekend and realized it a separate times. I think I cracked a bone in my hand. Windows Vista is a dirty rotten whore. I got in an accident – a pretty bad one and don’t know how things are going to work out with my car. I spent 4 hours in organic chem lab on Monday measuring the purity of urea samples and that shit is just not right. I spent over 2 thousand dollars in a matter of two days on tuition fees and orthodontic payments. And blah blah blah life sucks…….

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There are a few other extremely shitty things going on, but those ones I am gonna keep for myself. They are just at the surface and haven’t boiled over yet.

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On another note, I have been tagged.

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THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 7 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 7 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

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~I like ketchup and nacho Doritos.

~I like sugar and butter on my white rice and grits.

~My eyes change colors with my mood and color of my clothes.

~I have arachnophobia – almost so sever that I hyperventilate.

~I can give injections, but if a needle comes near my arm and I am watching it, I will pass out. Oddly though, I can get a tattoo no problem.

~I can read and process large amounts of information, very quickly.

~I love to sit back and watch people. Watch how they behave and interact in their daily life. I find it funny how different human beings are and how they respond to different stimuli.

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Well at least it is Friday and that calls for a little dancing. Doncha think?

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