Monday, January 01, 2007

Helllooo There

So I guess it has been a while. I haven't really had much going on over the last few weeks since I have been on break, but I have found myself busy. I haven't been on here much either, because well I have new toys to keep me busy and found it important for me to completely de-stress before classes start again. This place just doesn't de-stress me.

So here it is, the first day of the semester and I actually feel good. I have lost the massive crick in my neck that I had picked up from stressing and I have also lost that I am going to rip you arm off and beat you with it attitude. I feel good…..for now.

This semester should be good. I have only 2 ½ classes to take….some psychology mumbo jumbo class, organic chem., and some ridiculous exit class they are making me pay 400 dollars for just so I can graduate. In a way I feel sad that this is my last semester at this college. It has been a big part of my life for so long. I have gone here twice and this will be my second degree, plus I am scared out of my mind that I start graduate school in a few months. I wouldn't normally be worried, but the school I am going to shoves 2 years worth of medical classes into one and 2 years worth of residencies into 1. I was also talking to someone about the way the classes run a few weeks back and she told me that majority of the people enrolled there now are on xanax, because it so intense. I hope I don't go off the deep end. I am also freaking out because I have to quit my job and go to classes from 8-5. I don't know where I am going to pull the money to make up for my income, but I can tell you it is going to be a bitch.

Anyways….I am kinda excited about watching American Idol tonight. I only watch the audition part not the rest, because it reminds me of how many crazy nutbags there are in this world. Plus it gives me comfort to know that there are people out there that are way nuttier than I am. I also get to watch it by myself tonight in a quiet house…all by my lonesome. Chris has been out of town (he even took the puppies with him), freezing his ass off in WV and the kids are gone tonight with their dad. I have had a few nights like this over the last week and I tell you what….there nothing like the sound of silence.

Today is also the first day of my diet. I have managed to gain almost 10 pounds in the last two months and although you really can't tell…..I feel it. I guess I have just had more time to eat being on break….this is the most I have ever gained though. And even though my clothes fit a little better, because I always have to get bigger sizes since they don't often carry my size in stores, it still sucks. Damn I so want that poptart that is in my desk drawer right now. *sigh*

Well I guess I had a lot more to ramble than I thought. Best to cut it off before it really gets out of control. I have some great stuff to post in the future, none of this ridiculous crap that I just did, maybe next week.

Anyways…….have a great rest of the week!

(also michelle and michelle i answered your questions )

Update: So the poptart totally did not stay in my drawer. How the hell I am going to build up my will power is beyond me. I am turning into a weakling. I just got my ass kicked by a poptart. I am so ashamed. *sigh*

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