Friday, September 22, 2006


They up and did. To give a little update on what is going on………

Wednesday night my daughter went to her weekly Awanas meeting and although I do not believe in organized religion…she does so I allow her this. I went to pick her up at 8:30 and one of the leaders ran up to me when I was walking up and told me my daughter was hurt and that they had taken her to the office. Well to be quite honest I didn't think much of it. My daughter is extremely competitive and gets minor injuries all the time. I figured nothing that ice and a band-aid can't fix.

Well no such luck. I go into the office and they have her arm propped up on the desk and proceeded to explain to me what happened. Apparently it was game time and they were running around and she feel down and someone basically decided to use her arm as a piece of the pavement. I looked at my daughter and asked her if she was okay and she said fine. I figured it wasn't that bad since she only had the remnants of a few dried tears due to the initial shock of the incident. The fireman there then showed me her arm and I swear I almost cursed in the church office there. The bones in her arm were bowed. He asked if I wanted him to splint it for good measure and I said yes and that we were going straight to the ER.

On the way to my car my daughter and I were discussing the possibilities of what could be wrong and all she could say to me was…….

"Mom we can't afford it."

"Well hon you have insurance that will pay for this. It is no big deal."

"No mom. The basketball team. I have to be able to play."

You could see the devastation on her face. I told not to worry until we knew what was going on for sure. But, she knew and her face showed it. I called my step-mom on the way and she immediately got dressed and met me down there. I don't know what I would have done without her. She is a former xray tech and she knows a great deal about xrays and such, which helped since my area is cardiology. She also kept my son entertained. (Needless to say he left the hospital with a yellow highlighter clown face and rubber gloves on his feet.)

After a short 3 hour painful trip to the ER, we left with her arm in a full temporary cast and no definite answers. They did full x-rays, but the attending PA said he couldn't see any breaks and because of the way her bones were bent something was wrong with it. It a possibility she has a greenstick fracture in the periosteum of her ulna or even that she dislocated both radius and ulna in her wrist since her growth plates were stretched, but he could not be for sure. The answer wasn't staring him in the face. I applaud him for his honesty, since he didn't diddle around trying to produce an answer for me, just so I could have one. He said he wanted her to see a specialist and get the right answer, since bones were not his area of expertise.

So yesterday we all took the day of to recuperate. We hadn't gotten home that until after midnight and none of us got sleep before 1. I have an appointment scheduled this morning to see morning pending her primary doctor got the authorization. Hopefully we can get things sorted out. We also went to the game last night, so that Ashley could watch. Every doted over her and showed a great deal of concern. I had no idea exactly how many friends my daughter had until last night. They came out of the wood-works. Not to mention the little boys. *sigh* That is another story.

She was in good spirits during the game, but after leaving she got extremely upset. I could tell and told her not to worry until we know more and she started to cry. She was heartbroken that she more than likely wouldn't be able to finish the season and rightly so. It took every thing I had in me not to break down and cry with her, but I told her I loved her and that things will all sort themselves out.

After getting home last night and getting everybody to bed, I admit I broke down. It is hard being a parent and watching your child go through having something they love taken away from them…even if it is only for a little while. She took this to heart and I can't blame her.

Excuse the typos and randomness of my sentence structure. Today I just don't care what it reads like.

I will update this later today after the appointment for those that wish to know what happened.


So yes it is broken. When the kid stepped on her arm it somewhat hyper-extended the middle of her ulna causing it to crack. It is not a complete fracture but what is called a greenstick (sp) fracture....or crack in the bone. She is in a full arm cast for 2 weeks then a short cast for 4-6 weeks. Basketball is done for her and she is beside herself. She also plays percussion so the next few weeks are going to be intersting. When I dropped her off at school I carried her bell kit in for her since it was the middle of band class and the students greeted her with excitement, but then proceeded to razz her about how she had not only devastated the basketball team, but now the band too. She got a bunch of "how could you do this to us" with lots of giggles. I am glad she has that support system for her there. It will make it easier for her to handle. Thanks for all you kind thoughts and words.

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