Monday, September 25, 2006

The Weekend

We had a quite a busy weekend and boy howdy let me tell you my body is feeling the after shocks of it. I feel like I have been rode hard and put away wet…...figuratively speaking of course.

My brother, whom I love to death, came over Friday night and hung out. He hadn't intended on staying, but after sharing a drink with Chris after his long day…...he ended up staying for pizza and bullshitting with us for quite a few hours. I love the time I get to spend with any of my family. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers ranging from age 3 – 26 and they all live within 30 minutes of me. We are all extremely close and talk to each other every few days or so and often see each other once a week. It amazes me how busy we are and still stay so tight knit.

Saturday morning I had a 3 hour Chem II lab class….yawn….it basically sucked ass. Moving on…..

Also, you may remember me saying something about a camping trip this weekend. So yes we went Saturday afternoon and we indeed all survived the Cub Scout trip, with only a few minor issues. I think I have a new permanent curvature in my spine, due to the wonderful root that I slept on, but I am hoping it will go back to normal and I will lose the limp. Kidding. I took some pictures, none of me of course, and will post them probably tomorrow after I take them off the camera. It was a rather interesting experience to say the least, but enjoyable for the reason that we did something as a family. I will save all the wonderful stories for the pictures.

Sunday morning after packing up camp at the crack of dawn and returning home, we all cleaned up, put everything away and relaxed. Well not me, I spent 3 hours writing up the 5 page lab report from Saturday, before I allowed myself to lie down. I took no books with me whatsoever on the trip. I had decided to devote all of my time there to them and homework could wait, so it piled up. After a short nap, Chris went and got us lunch and then took all the kids to go see Jackass 2. I contemplated letting my 7 year old boy go and see this, but decided I don't mind him seeing it. These guys do the dumbest shit and they always get hurt. I figured if he could see a few consequences of ignorant actions maybe that would prevent him in the future from doing something stupid. We shall see. First time I see him hanging off the ceiling fan trying to jump across the room…...I will know I made a mistake.

I spent the time while they were gone studying and trying to catch up on homework. No such luck. Needless to say I will be spending every spare moment between patients today getting done what I can.

Thanks to those who sent their thought regarding my daughter. Despite the fact that she can no longer play basketball, she is doing great and has had a new opportunity open up for her. You see when she first signed up for basketball…...she also was asked to be on the yearbook committee. Practice conflicted with committee time and she decided she couldn't do both. Well since she can't play basketball…...she has decided to join the yearbook committee. So life has a funny way of working out and a new door has opened up for her. Plus her true passion is for softball and she will be all healed up by then. Hopefully.

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