Saturday, April 22, 2006


All right, so I have been tagged , by the wonderful Mr. Flirt. Damnit! This will be extremely tough for me, since I such a weirdo.

INSTRUCTIONS: When you are "tagged" you are supposed to post a blog and list six of your own very unique oddities/quirks. Then you need to tag six other people and list them at the bottom. Make sure to post something in their comment section so they know they have been tagged.

1. School - I am extremely anal when it comes to school and grades. This is my third time going back to school. I already have one degree in Science and am certified in my field, but it never seems to be enough. I have a thirst for knowledge. I am always looking for a way to advance my career. Right now I am working on my bachelors degree in health studies and will be graduating next summer. Once I graduate I will be attending another college where I will be getting my masters. I have a 3.92 GPA and if I get a B in a class I usually beat myself up about it. I tend to push things off until the last minute, but magically I seem to pull shit out my ass and still get As even though I do not study. In fact I am supposed be studying for a math final right now.

2. Alcohol - I am a cheap date. I dont usually have a lot of time to go and party, so my alcohol tolerance is extremely low. It usually takes 1 beer and I am giggly like a teenager. I have also been known to start a fight or two and moon a bouncer outside a bar.

3. Family - My family is very important to me. One of my best friends is my sister
Shell. We do everything together. Our personalities are so much alike. Majority of the time when we are together and nobody understands what the hell we are talking about or laughing about, because we have so many inside jokes. I have a total of 3 sisters and 2 brothers and I am the oldest. We are all really close and huge bunch of smart asss.

4. Redneck - Yes, it is true. I am a freakin redneck. Not many people know this about me, because I dont advertise it. I mainly grew up in the south and the midwest, so this is no fault of my own. I drink my beers out of a bottle and I curse like a sailor. When I get drunk my redneck accent, that I work so hard to cover up, comes out. I use words like fixin to and yall. We raised horses growing up so I am no stranger to hard work. I used to have to feed and take care of a shitload of horses all time and shovel shit on the weekends. I know how to two-step and line dance, but I have never given in to wearing wranglers. I also cant stand country music.

5. Childhood - I have lived in 7 different states. We moved around a lot as kids, because of my dads job. I have lived in Connecticut, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, South Carolina (for a month or so), Nebraska, and a few places in Texas. The longest I have ever lived in one place is 6 years.

6. Jokes - I am known for telling corny jokes. Seriously they are awful. I know they are stupid, but I cant help it I get a kick out of them. Heres one I tell all the time.

So there's these 2 muffins in an oven.
They're both sitting, just chilling and getting baked.
And one of them yells "God Damn, it's hot in here!"
And the other muffin replies "Holy Crap, a talking muffin!"

Well theres my six and the following are the lucky individuals that I am going to tag! No tag backs either.

Devil Inside
Caterpillars Dream to Fly
Sass Deluxe

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