Thursday, June 29, 2006


Aberration - staying away from that which is normal.

I was reviewing some terms last night and this word got me thinking about my own status of sanity. I realized I have pretty much strayed away from the state of normalcy that so many people try so hard to achieve. I really don’t want to be normal and I find it funny when others whine and say, but I just want to be normal.......have a normal life........a normal family........and bladity-bladity-blah-blah. Normal sucks and is boring. If you categorize yourself as normal than you are basically categorizing yourself into a group of lame, uneventful, chicken shit sheep. You never go outside your little circle of comfort and spend your lives doing the same things day in and day out. You never actually get to experience life.

Now I wouldn't necessarily categorize myself as looney tunes, but I am no where near normal and I am okay with that. It makes my life interesting and fun. I see things differently and feel things differently. I am more perceptive to opportunities. I guess you could say I am like a bag of m & m's, you never know what color you are going to get. (I just couldn't bring myself to use that tired ass Forest Gump saying.)

Normalcy, in my opinion, involves a lack of emotion or passion. Proof of this is that people don't go wacko or psychotic over an issue, because they feel nothing about it or are okay with it. The emotional episode is the direct result of some form of passion or strong emotion and they do it, because the emotion and passions fuel their reactions. Although, I am not prone to emotional outbursts over negative issues, I do feel very passionately about everything and everyone in my life. If I love you......I love you to death........If I don't like you.......I despise your existence and so on and so on.

I don't get what the constant strife to be normal is all about. Normal is black and white and the world is not black and white. There are a great deal of fine to dark gray areas in between. In fact, black and white are not actually considered colors and can not be found anywhere in nature in pure form. Black is actually defined as the absence of color and white is the blending of colors.

So, why is it some people choose or strive to live in the realm of normalcy? Hell if I know, but for those that do.........I invite you into my crazy ass world for one week and I promise you won't want to go back to being normal ever again.

For those of you wondering where this crazy ass A.D.D. blog came from, it stems from lack of sleep last night and from studying the list of 700 vocab words I have to know for the GRE exam. And yes I am only on the A's. *sigh*

Happy Thursday!!

Sidenote: I played the Sims 2 last night for the first time and I have to say I am addicted. I don't usually go for computer or video games, but this one is really fun.

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