Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I came across a news article yesterday that I just can't seem to shake.  It was regarding a rally that was held at Antietam Battlefield by the KKK. I was both shocked and angered by the decision of the park owners.  I could not fathom them allowing such a rally to take place on a piece of land that holds the memories of such an important step in our nations ongoing fight against hate and discrimination.  I struggled with their reasoning of freedom expression as the cause for allowing such an event.  I question myself over and over on this issue.  Do klan members really deserve to have access to the amendments allowing freedom of speech?  I struggled with this, because the conclusion I come to is technically yes and in my opinion morally no and I don't like the technically.  If we stop them from doing this we are being hypocrites? Yes. If we allow them to continue to rally are we allowing them to spread hate? Yes.  I don't know what the right way to go is and I don't know when these issues got pushed aside.  At what point do we make the decision as a country and stand up and say NO FUCKING MORE? We pulled bibles, prayers, and God out our school systems.  Why the hell can't we stop these people from spreading the hate and discrimination that we as Americans fight daily to stop?  The klan does not stand up for a cause or an important issue.  They only promote discrimination and violence, which is at the very root of the hate that is embedded within our society.  They spread this discriminatory poison down through the generations and actively recruit people to join them in their crusade for an all white race. 


Honestly I pity the people that are members of the klan, because the are only blinded by their own ignorance.  They have no idea what it is that they are actually asking for.  Genetically speaking the more racially diverse a population is the stronger/healthier it becomes.  It ensures against extinction due to disease.  When you mix together all the diseases and genetic defects that the ancestors of different races have fought and overcome and you add them up and hand them down genetically, you have a much stronger healthier human being.  Same thing with dogs.  Pure bread dogs are generally less healthy and more susceptible to disease and defects, such as blindness than that of a well mixed mutt. 


I don't know where to go from here with all this.  I wish we could convince the government that is paying out the $100,000 tab for the rally to give them some land to make into their own country.  Let them have what they want and we will see which group out survives who.  Let's see how well they survive out on their own.  I truly believe that the only reason why they have not tried to colonize into their own country is, because they know they need America and they are just a bunch of weak asses without us.  I say cut the chord and send them out onto their own.  I want see them try to back their asses up when they racially insult the prime minister, president or whomever is the head cheese, while bartering for oil or the many other imports that we as Americans depend on for daily use in our life.  If they ever did get their own country though, hopefully it isn't hot and muggy and full of mosquitoes, because malaria can be a bitch and white people are not responsible for developing the genetic mutation that causes immunity through the recessive sickle cell trait and that type of Karma would be a bitch. 


Sorry if this blog is all over the place.  I really hadn't planned on writing anything today and it isn't really thought out, but I just couldn't get it out of my head.  I do not in anyway support the klan in their views, but I just struggled with the fact that they do have the right to their opinions and to voice it whether I like it or not.  Just like everyone else does. 


Thanks for reading.


Happy Monday



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