Friday, June 30, 2006


Keeping in the same spirit as yesterdays blog I decided it was a good idea to take Pope Miss Myspace up on his suggestion. Who knows, maybe the more ones I post, the more I will remember.

Baleful - harmful; ominous; causing evil.

It has been my experience that humans are, at times, the most baleful of species on the face of this earth. We cause harm and angst to other, sometimes, simply for no reason other than our own selfish gratification. Often times we really dont need a reason to justify our fowl behavior, we just simply do it because we can.

Not all people are this way all the time, but everyone is guilty of some type of devious behaviors. We as humans cant help it and some of us are just more open about it. How many of us can honestly say that we have never done anything shitty to someone else just for the hell of it or picked on someone simply because we didnt like them for some petty reason? If you say you havent, then you are kidding yourself.

Here is my theory and it is just that. A theory.

I dont think our brains are evolutionarily adapting fast enough to keep up with the speed of changing survival requirements. We still posses the kill or be killed hardwiring that our ancestors needed. The over-aggressive gene just keeps tagging along somehow despite the fact that we really dont need it as much as we used to. We are not fighting for our survival or fending of Saber Toothed tigers anymore, yet the little guy keeps popping up in our genetic makeup. So that leaves us with this un-necessary instinct that we dont know what to do with and causes us to take it out on each other. But nevertheless, evolution is a process and adaptation occurs over a long period of time. We have the capability for our brains to adapt to a functioning level that is more sophisticated than it is right now, but it takes time. In fact, as most of already know, we do not even use a large portion of our brains, so just imagine years from now what the brain power of our species will be. Hopefully that doesn't turn us into a bunch of egotistical maniacs, well more so than we already are anyways.

Happy Friday!!

This ADD blog has been, in part, brought to you by Carnation Instant Hot Chocolate. I rarely eat chocolate or have a great deal of sugar, but this morning was different. I thought I needed a little energy boost and now I am bouncing off the walls. YAAAHHOOO!!!

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