Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Random Schmandom..........boy it's been a while.

Random Schmandom...............boy it's sure been a while.

~I know it's been a while since I have done one of these, but dammit I have been busy. I hope you all enjoyed your 4th and hopefully all limbs are still intact and there are not too many 1st degree burns or hangovers.

~Our 4th was great. My brother-in-laws father put on quite the fire-works show. It was nice outside and it was great to see everybody. My family is just a big ass fun loving redneck family. My brother-in-law and his family are not though and I think they get a big kick out of watching us like people watch the monkeys at the zoo.

~As for the ongoing saga with my son and his refusal to cut his curly fro. I finally, at least, got him to let me trim around his ears and neck. I would prefer to cut it all off, but it is a start at least.

~Funny observation. As we rode home from my dad's the other night, which is about a 45 min trip, all the kids sat quietly without fighting or picking at each other. Not even once. Again a few days later same thing. I realized that this has only been going on since Chris has gotten sirius radio in his new truck. Every time he has it on, it is on hair nation (which is 80's hair bands), the kids turn into zombies. I don't know why this type of music has such an effect on them, but it makes for a peaceful trip home.

~I have been very distant with people lately. Reason being is everyone wants to know how I am doing and blah blah blah. I am tired of bitching about how full my life is right now. I am not going to lie to these people and say that I am all peaches and cream and every time they ask I have nothing really positive to say. Only bitching. So, I just avoid the situation all together.

~I was a little excited about going back for my high school reunion that is coming up, until the bastards decided they would be going all out redneck on me. Fuck that shit I'm not going now. I have better ways to spend my money. How redneck are they going you ask?? They are planning on a pig roast celebration. I am sorry, but the idea of eating a fuckin pig that has been shoved in the ground to cook disgusts the hell out of me, especially since I don't eat pork. I remember the last time my parents did one was when I was in high school. That turned out to be one of the memories that scarred me for life. I will be sure to bill them for the therapy session to get over that one.

~Yesterday may or may not have been Pope Miss Myspace's (John) birthday, so everyone who hasn't already head on over and leave him birthday wishes.

~Speaking of John here are my words. I am going to do three in one shot, since I don't have much time to get through the whole alphabet.

~curmudgeon - bad-tempered person.

Well the only way I can associate this word with my life is the fact that I am very curmudgeon lately. My tolerance levels have dropped and my ability to handle bullshit has lessened. Also this is a name of a Nirvana song, if I remember right.

~disheveled - untidy.

Our condo is a little disheveled lately. It is not bad and is fairly clean, but it is not as clean as I would like for it to be. I can't wait until I can afford to hire a maid. A sexy ass male maid with a washboard stomach that does laundry with his shirt off. Yes indeedy.

~ebullience - exuberance, outburst of feeling.

I rarely exert ebullience. I don't get excited about much and I don't show much emotion either. I am not a boring person, I am just not the person that jumps up and down like a fuckin idiot hooting and hollering when I get excited. I prefer to just smile or something along that lines.

Well peeps that is it for today. I know it was rather boring and nothing of a great deal of interest, but that is all I've got.

Have yourselves a wonderful humpday!

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