Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Random Schmandom............bladity blah blah.

Random Schmandom........bladity blah blah.

I will just jump right into this one.

~ We found another condo to move into. It is in the same community and is well......the building across the street/parking lot, which eliminates a great deal of packing and trucking things around town. It is close enough to walk everything over. Plus it is 250 dollars cheaper than the one we are in and is on the first floor. No more carrying groceries up three flights of stairs. I was tricked into thinking living of the third floor would give me buns of steal from walking stairs daily, it has only give me a near stroke experience, so the first floor is much appreciated.

~One of my poems is going to be published. I am not sure on all the details yet and to be honest I am a little weirded out by the whole thing. I don't consider myself a poet or a writer per se and to have something of mine be published just doesn't feel right to me. It makes me uncomfortable, because I don't feel I deserve it. I will update as I know more.

~Last Friday when my ex-husband was picking up the kids for the night, he asked if Chris and I would like tickets to take all the kids (including Chris) to the Fire Cats (arena football) game the next night. I was totally thrown off by this, since he never does anything with out wanting something in return. Our relationship is okay as far as the ex- relationship goes. The way I treat it is that I love my kids more than I dislike him and making peace between him causes less angst for my kids. (Fucker still owes me money out the ass though) Cautiously I agreed, since we have never taken all of the kids to an event like this. So Saturday morning, after staying up until 2 am studying, I drag my ass off to lab class for 4 hours. After lab I haul ass to the store to pick up birthday supplies for a party for Chris son that was going on that afternoon. I run home, everyone gets ready, we go to the party and then about 2 hours before the game starts we head home. I am feeling like ass and am beyond exhaustion at this point, but fuck it right, I am going to hang out with my kiddos. I dont need to look anything better than a notch above trailer trash and so we head out the door with me in a baby t, raggedy low rise jeans, and flip flops. At least I wasnt wearing my favorite wife-beater, right? Anyways we get to the game and I leave to take my son to the bathroom sometime during the first quarter. (He sucked down a Mellow Yellow in 2 seconds flat) As he is walking into the bathroom someone comes running over and picks him up and starts swinging him around. I was all about to go kung fu on someones ass when I seen it was my ex-husband. Yup no shit. After the pleasantries of the wtf are you doing here and how lovely you are sitting right behind us convo, my son and I go back to our seat. I figure it cant be that bad, it is only him and his friend, and even though Chris cant stand the site of him, everyone just wants to have fun with each other. We are sitting there no sign of the dillhole and here comes the troops. Not only is he with his friend, he is with a group of his friends, his sister and her friends, and his girlfriend whom I have never met nor seen before. It was a lovely event. They sat in front of us and had their little drinking escapade of hooting and hollering at the game, while my kids sat with us in the row behind them. It was all good though, kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I couldnt help but laugh about the fact that I looked so wore out and blah. I hope his girlfriend doesn't think any less of me. Shit who am I kidding, I don't give a fuck, I still looked better than she did. lol

~For those that don't know Devils is on his way to WV right now and will be gone for a week. I don't know how available an internet connection will be for him up there, but he is going up to clear out the property we are buying so his time would be limited if he had any. I will pass any harassing and threatening comments along to him from you if you have any.

~I have decided to make a screen name available through AIM for anyone who wants to chat. I dont know that I will be available much, but here it is........mysteryinside78. Use it wisely. I have never given a screen name out to anyone that I have never met personally. (except I gave my private one to one person the other day for my own reasons)

~Last but not least........The Rat Pack. I have babbled long enough today so I will refer you to the founders blog The Rat Pack and the VPs blog The Rat Pack. This is an exclusive group, but all are encouraged to participate. Our first little project has been pimping the awesome Flaming Moe, so go check out and subscribe to his blog if you haven't done so already.

Happy Tuesday to you all!

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