Monday, July 31, 2006


So it's Monday again. Woo freakin hoo. I am so overjoyed that I am beyond words. Well not really. I don't have much to say today, other than that the new edition of The Blue Doodle is up. If you are interested in reading my most recent addition in The Great Novel Write Off.

Click Below

Also, Devil Inside is now a regular writer and his first piece is posted. You should check it out, it is good.

Oh and did you guys see my cute little banner up at the top? Pretty spiffy, isn't it? If you click on it, it takes you to the write off page. It was done by one of our fellow myspacers that also writes for The Doodle. His name is Dale and here is his most recent article on The Blue Doodle. He writes very well and it is worth the read.

Okay, so as always you may leave any comments or constructive criticisms about my story here in the comment section. Don't feel the need to leave praises if you don't like it. I can take it if you don't. I am still learning in the creative writing department and so I don't expect everything to always be great and false praises don't help me any.

I don't know how much I will be around this week. As you know tomorrow is moving day and Devil and I have a great deal of new issues that have been brought to the table and we need to get them taken care. As if we haven't had enough to deal with, there is now more. Somebodys gots some splaining to do is all I gotta say. Anyways.......

Happy Monday!

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