Monday, July 10, 2006

Do not do the following..........

I want to first off apologize for my drunk commenting on Saturday night. I don't drink very often, but I did that night. I signed on to myspace out of boredom, while Chris was on a beer run and I know I made blog comments, I just don't remember exactly where I left them. As for the ongoing list of vocab words, I will incorporate a few more into the blog.

Anyways, todays blog is about how to not annoy the hell out of Mystery and get on her bad side.

Pet peeves and annoyances

~ Stupidity is by far the biggest annoyance to me. If you act stupid or look stupid and it affects me in some way, we have got a problem. There is no excuse for the level of stupidity that some people possess. Stupidness is the result of laziness and I don't believe that bullshit that some people are just smarter than others. Horse-Shit! Some people just apply themselves more and put an effort into educating themselves. Education doesn't necessarily mean only subjects like Math and English either. There are many different types of education, such as Art, Music, Poetry, and pretty much anything in general.

~ I can not stand when people expect things to just be handed to them all the time and whine when the tables turn and they have to work for things. Life is hard and those who work for what they have get more enjoyment out of the things they get. Working for things is a part of life and it is something we just have to do. All the whining in the world is not going to change a damn thing. In my opinion those who struggle for what they have are more realistic outlook on life in general.

~Do not under any circumstances lie to me or about me to someone else. There is no difference between a big lie and a little lie either. So lying to someone by saying you can't access my profile just so you can have an excuse to talk to them is just as big a lie as if you wrecked my car and didn't tell me about it. If you lie and I find out about it, you will not get a second chance. You will be forever known in my book as a liar. I don't give a shit what you do, it will not be very facile (easily done) to redeem yourself from your guile (deceitful or cunning) behaviors.

~ I am not a genius, but I am pretty damn intelligent, just as many other people are. Please do not for any reason treat me as if I were stupid. That will only get you in an argument you don't want to be in. I am not only book smart, but street and common sense smart as well. If you do something or lie and try to hide it or cover it up, I will find out about it. I also will not fall for you stupid moronic excuses as to why you did something wrong either, so don't even bother wasting your breath. I always find out everything about everything.

~ Anyone, with their hubris (arrogant pride) attitudes, who thinks they are better than someone else without a justifiable reason needs to stay the hell away. I can not stand when arrogant people put themselves on a pedestal and mock or make others feel small in anyway. As we all know everyones shit stinks just the same and no ones smells like roses. I don't care who you are, we are all human beings and we belong to the same single species. Many people have lost sight of this along time ago and seem to think that they belong in an elite species of humans and that the rest of us are just beneath them.

~The worst thing in the world for me is when a child is harmed, either emotionally or physically, in any way. I can not stand it and have absolutely no tolerance for it what so ever. Children are born into this world innocent and naïve and then everything changes that when they are exposed to society and the screwed up adults around them. Children are the most precious gift that one can receive and some people take advantage of it and don't realize the impact that their behaviors, not only has on the child itself, but the well-being of our future generations as well.


So those are just a few things not to do to stay on my good side. (What did you guys expect? It is Monday for crying out loud, you can't expect me to be too pleasant.) Anyways, apparently certain people needed to be reminded of a few of the above, before they dug themselves an even bigger hole with me.

Tomorrow maybe I will post some of my favorite things and lean towards a more positive side.

Have a Day.

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