Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Personal Challenge

Recently I have been going through the whole I am not a writer struggle with myself. You see I hold writers in a real high group of extremely talented people. I just never felt like my writing was that great. Then I came to a realization. I am a writer. I may not be a good writer, per se, but I am a writer.

I don't really try to find things to write about, they just come to me. My mind is constantly racing with stories, thoughts, and poems all the time. Hell even when I go to sleep at night sometimes, I will have a story unfold in my mind before I drift off to sleep. Most of the writing related things I think of ususally just ping pong back and forth in my mind and shoot out my ear or something and I won't think of them anymore. Some of them don't though. They stick there and they nag the shit out of me until I put it down on paper. I mean litterally nag the shit out of me. No matter how hard I try to forget it, it won't go away.

I don't post many of the writings that I have done in my blogs, because quite honestly I am extremely insecure about them. My acceptance of writing is still so new to me that I fear what others will think of it. (yes I have a weekness and you mother truckers now know what it is) As a part of my embracing of my writing I have decided to work on a ongoing story. It has been the loudest voice in my head recently and if I don't get it out, I will go insane.

So to push myself full force into this and try to embrace this a little more, I have given myself a challenge to put it out there no matter what anyone thinks. Instead of posting it on here, I have chosen to do the ongoing story on That's right, I have been doodled. The preface to the story was just posted and if you guys have the time, I would appreciate it if you check it out. You may use the comment section here to post any thoughts or criticisms that you may have. I only ask that it is constructive criticism. I will take it personally if you offer it any other way. Also please don't feel that just because you are my friend that you have to stroke my ego on this one. Be honest with me. I repect you all and value your true opinions.

So here it is (deep breath) the preface to Inside of Him.

I know it is not much. But it has to be baby steps for me. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

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