Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Random Schmandom.........and a Rat Pack Pimp too.

Random Schmandom......and a Rat Pack Pimp too.

Okay this one will be rather short today. Well I hope it is anyways. I am sure I will think of a few things to add in as I go.

~I hate Chemistry. I know you have all heard this before, but dammit this hatred is growing. It is not that I dont have the capabilities to do it, it is all just mumbo jumbo bullshit. I wanna know when I will need to ever know the quantum number of Copper? I mean really. Why in the hell do I have to have three semesters of this shit? This class is literally sucking the life right out of me.

~So as I have mentioned before, we are moving on the first of August. That is 7 days from now. Wanna know how much packing we have done? None, zip, zilch. We just don't have the time to do it. I know it is the next building, but this should make for an interesting move. I can see it now.

~My heart is filled with unexplainable sadness right now. Yesterday morning I woke up in a foul mood. I mean really foul. I was pissed off at everyone and everything for no reason. Something wasn't sitting right with me and I couldn't figure it out, until I received a phone call from my sister last night. I was walking out the door and down the stairs and she had informed me that one of my cousins was killed in a car crash. This literally hit me like a ton of bricks and I haven't got over the shock of it yet. He was so young and a father to a little girl. I can't even think of his exact age, which makes me feel like shit, but I know he was around 19 or 20. The truly sad part for me was that this kid had a great deal of problems growing up and only recently he was making an effort to turn his life around. He wasn't all the way there, but he was making the effort. My family hasn't experienced this type of death before and it really hard to swallow. Any deaths had been from old age. I am sure once the initial shock wears off, I will be a mess. So keep that in mind for future reference, if I disappear for a while.

~Update on The Blue Doodle (www.thebluedoodle.com). In case you don't read The Bluest Doodle's blogs (I would link it, but myspace is not letting me acess her profile right now), there has been a change of plans on my story. Instead of just myself posting a part of it every week, she will be as well. The section of the website has been title The Great Novel Write Off. It is a challenge for both of us to keep up with one another and for every one I post she will post as well. Here's the link to both our first postings/prefaces. It is a really cool idea and hopefully the both of us can see it through.

Click Below


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~I know I said I was leaving Thursdays for my Rat Pack business, but I came across this writer and it just can't wait. She has literally blown me away and I am utterly intrigued with her story. It is a little of the gruesome side and may not be for everyone so be aware, but is right up my alley. I read these kinds of books all the time. Please meet.............

A Ravaged Mind

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She has 2 parts to her story up, be sure to read part 1 first. I promise this one is well worth the read. I am sure I will be pimping her out more and more as the story progresses. That's just how impressed I am with her work.

Halls of Shadows Part 1

Halls of Shadows Part 2

Well that's it for today. Sorry I had nothing really funny to share, but maybe next week. Hope you all enjoy your day. Its only 8:30 a.m. right now and all I can think about is going home and going to sleep. lol I hope I make it through the day.

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