Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mad Dash Tuesday

So this morning was interesting. Like I said the kids all the kids started school today. 3 kids = 3 different schools. We all should have just called in sick. It would have been easier. I don't think the motivation was there for anyone. Chris had just pulled up to drop Dev off at the stop when his bus pulled up. Seth just layed on the floor with undwear, shirt and one sock for like 20 minutes and I had to keep going in to tell him to put his clothes on. Each time one more piece of clothing was put on. My daughter got her haircut yesterday and granted it looks absolutely effin amazing (and for 30 dollars it better damn well), but it took forever to dry and do all the styling stuff. Needless to say we left the house late and my hair was soaking freakin wet. I managed to only be about 10 minutes late dropping the other two off. I swear the ride over itself was most painful. The roads seriously look like a god damn war zone. The company that has been doing the road construction has been getting fined 1000 dollars a day for like two months or so and now they must have pulled their heads out of their asses, becuase there are trucks and heavy machinery everywhere. They have closed down what is normally a 3 lane road down to one. Traffic is so slow it is beyond aggrevating. I did good though, I didn't cuss one time or flip out at all. My lip hurts a little from biting it, but other than that I am good.

Well now that I have just wasted about 10 minutes of your time with my babbling , I think it is probably a good idea to just stop. So I will leave you with these last two things:

First: The site www.mysimplemind.com is still up and running. This is the last time I will put an effort into promoting it. Go and check it out. As always I am not asking you to vote for me, but vote for your favorites. I only promote this in support of a few of my friends that are on that list and not for myself.

Second: In case you missed it the next part of it, my story is up on www.thebluedoodle.com click below to check it out.


Also Devil Inside's newest is up too.


Hope you all have a good day. I am still working on catching up with you all so bear with me.

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