Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Even though the blogs are acting stupid today and no one will probably see this, I will post it anyways.

So I did something stupid yesterday. I will say that in my defense it is not a common occurrence to exhibit such behaviors, but I like many others do have my moments.

I bought a tent. It has been the topic of discussion between Chris and I for months. Many, many, many months. I am sure many of you don't remember the blog I did on why I dont go camping, but maybe I will repost it in a couple of days. Anyways.....I go into to Target after a meeting I had with.....well.....we shall call him Professor Dickhead.....and I was looking for some kind of bag with wheelies on it for my daughter. She plays percussion in the band and her stuff is just too heavy to carry around all day, so I figured I could find something for her to roll it around on. But no such luck. I searched everywhere and couldn't find anything. Then I thought maybe back in the sporting goods department they might have something so I walk my cranky ass back there and have a gander. Nope, nothing there either, but then something caught my eye. I round the corner and there it is. I can't help but stop and look, because well the price is worth it.

It was a very nice Eddie Bauer 8 person 3 in 1 tent. It could be used as a canopy.........great for the beach, a screen room..........great for throwing all the kids in when they are in punishment and a rather large tent with a door mat outside and some kind of shelving system inside. Over all it was really nice to look at. I don't know about the whole sleeping it in thing though.

I will add I am a pretty fair person and when someone in my family wants to do something or really wants something, I usually give in eventually. But it has to be on my own terms.

So I stood there looking at this beast whilst debating with myself on whether or not to get it. I caved and bought it. It was a good deal and I knew it would make Chris and the kids happy. I am such a dumbshit.

So I get it and take the damn thing home and let me tell you that bitch was heavy. I had to call Chris to come and get it from the parking lot. He was in hog heaven. The hillbilly in him went apeshit over the site of this massive tent and the possibility of camping. He gets it the condo and after an hour he couldn't fight the urge any longer to open that bad boy up and play around with it in our living room. I wish I would have thought to take pictures, because it was truly a funny site. The tent pretty much covered our whole living.

So needless to say the kids and Chris were ecstatic and avidly working on scheduling our first camping experience. It is a very very very very very slim possibility we may go this weekend. We shall see.

On a side note, more than likely I will be off tomorrow because of the storm and the fact that it is going to go right over us, so pray for my sanity. I will be stuck in the house with 3 kids, Chris and the dog.

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