Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I am sooooo freakin bored that I don't know what to do with myself. I am stuck in the condo, because of he rain and work is closed today, because well they don't want all the old farts out on the roads trying to come in for their appointments. My kiddos spent the night at their dads last night, so I don't even have them to bug. Granted I am thankful that Ernesto is just a depression now and not a big deal, but damn I am lost. I always have thousands of things to do and I got nothing. The house is spotless, because the kids have been doing an awesome job lately and have been sticking to their chore list. Without complaining I might add. I have no homework, because the semester ended last week and the next one doesn't start up for another 2 weeks. I could watch TV, but I never watch TV so none of the shows interest me. I know I shouldn't be complaining, because in all reality I need this break, but it still sucks being bored.

I have also noticed a little bit of poo flinging the last few days on MySpace and I have to say it is a little ridiculous. I have read quite a few blogs that are solely written to bash someone. I have also seen many comments from others cutting people down. I just don't understand it all really. I mean I thought we were supposed to be adults. My kids are more respectful and less hurtful than some of the people on here and they are kids. We as adults should know better. What is it that causes people to drop 10 levels in maturity and act like they are in grade school? Who gives a shit what anyone does with their life or free time for that matter. It is of no concern to me and shouldn't be for anyone else. It is their life and since we only get one I can't judge others how they choose to fulfill it. Why be so damn judgmental?

We as human beings are all unique. No one possesses all the same interests or qualities. So where do we come up with this norms as to what is cool and what is uncool. Who sets these standards? We do. Why? Who the fuck knows. Are we all just really that bored that we have to act like vultures and jump on the bandwagon just to eat a few scraps of the bullshit?

What gets me is that we sit and say that our country has gone to shit lately. Well yes it has and one of the major problems it that we are divided. We separate ourselves into little groups and attack each other. How about for once instead of talking shit about someone, we try to understand where they are coming from. Try being a little less hateful and judgmental. I know it would be hard, since we are so used to just flapping our gums every time we see something we don't agree with or understand. But if we can't come together as a society we will never be anything more than a country filled with hypocrites and judgmental assholes.

I didn't really plan on semi-ranting about this, but the whole situation rubs me the wrong way. I think it mainly has to do with the fact that this type of crap is what my kids get to look forward to. How am I supposed to encourage them to respectful of others and non-judgmental, when some of the adults in our society can't even do it. How I am supposed to encourage them to be themselves and enjoy their life, when the some of the adults are so damn crotchety and have nothing better to do with their time than pick on others.

People need to stop and think about the things that they are doing and realize that their childish behaviors are more harmful than they think. They need to stop fucking it up for the younger generations. How would they feel if it was their child that was the one that was getting picked on all the time? I guess my point is that hate breeds hate and at some point we need to say enough. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Anyways, now that I have got that out of my system, I guess I will use this time to catch up on some of the blogs I have missed and then I suppose I will watch a movie or something. Hell I might even take a nap.

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