Thursday, August 31, 2006


I don't have much today, since I am functioning in zombie mode. I don't know why since I fell asleep at like 10 and got plenty of rest. Maybe it is because it is still raining outside from the last band coming off of Ernesto and the lack of sunshine is getting to me.

This morning I am on my way to work and I have the radio on and I don't remember what I was thinking about, but I was thinking about it real hard. It was taking a great deal of brain power to get the motors running. So I am off in la-la land and I look over at the building I am passing and am reading the sign to myself.

Bonita Com..........@#$!!!! I realized that I was staring at the building I worked in and was going to drive right by it.......I then had to swerve across three lanes of traffic and make the next light, since I missed the direct turn in area. Luckily I did it safely and the traffic wasn't that bad. Sometimes I wonder how I make it through the day with out any physical damage to myself or others.

Also my son is sooo excited today. He has his first den meeting for the cub scouts tonight. He begged me last week to join and to be quite honest I gladly told him yes despite the fact that it will be putting another dent in my wallet along with everything else. He really doesn't have much time for hobbies with school, awanas and the upcoming season of baseball, but when he does have spare time he is wrapped up in his playstation 2. He has been playing the cutest game called Ant Bullies. Which him playing is fine with me, I think it helps him develop coordination and stuff like that, but being from the south/midwest you realize the importance of learning about nature and understand the benefits. So yeah for him wanting to do it and be excited about it.

Other than that nothing much of importance coming from me today. Look for a picture blog sometime next week.

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