Monday, August 14, 2006


I am not one who is big on empty apologies. You know the ones consisting of the overused phrase "I am sorry". It just doesn't work for me. I think society has overused the phrase as a scapegoat from actually facing the realities of what it is that they actually did. It has too often been used as a quick fix. Like where the giver of the apology thinks that all they have to do is say sorry and that it is.

For me, actions speak louder than words. If you tell me you're sorry for something you did, well it just comes across as words to me. It is about the same as telling me the neighbors have a red toaster. It doesnÃ?t mean diddly to me. If I don't see the remorse or the true feelings of being sorry when apologizing, than you might as well not even waste your breath. I would much rather you not solely depend on the fact that most people expect to be forgiven, just because they said those few simple words. I want you to actually take the time to think of what it is that you are actually apologizing for. I mean are you actually sorry or are you just saying it to make nice with me? Do you really feel you did something wrong? etc......etc...... If not why admit you did?

It also goes both ways on this. I don't and will not apologize just for the hell of it. I also will not apologize, until I fully understand what I did wrong, why I did it and understand what the consequences of my actions have created. I don't do fake. Some people just want the apology for the words and really don't care too much for the meaning behind them and I won't do it. I don't care how much you feel you deserve one and how much you just want to hear those word, it will not happen.

I am tired of people devaluing words with fakeness. I try, and I say, try to live by the following:

Don't say things you don't mean and mean everything you say.

Granted no one is perfect and I often say things I don't mean, but I at least try not to do it. I think they are good words to strive to live by.

Well I don't really know where I was going with this. Its mostly gibberish, but I guess I was just in the sharing mood.

If you haven't already, please check out the latest part to the Great Novel Write of at:

Also 2Mara and Dalectomys dual story is up and it is hilarious:

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