Friday, May 05, 2006

10 things.....

I kinda held off on doing this, since everyone else was doing it. I really didn't think that there were that many things that I wanted to say, but wouldn't. I usually just say them. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that there are many unsaid things and it started to bother me.

I suggest maybe you all at least think about the things you would say, even if you don't write your own.

The rules to this are:

-List 10 things you want to say to people but never will.

-Don't say who they are, use people only once.

-All who read this must post in their own journal or blog (this is optional of course).

1. You deserve for me to hate you, but hate is not in my nature.

2. Why the hell can't you ever just shut up? I never asked you anyways.

3. Your apologies mean nothing to me. You dont feel that you did anything wrong and you are only apologizing to make yourself look better, not because you are really sorry.

4. You will never be able to understand how you have managed to screw up so many peoples lives, because of your own selfishness.

5. I don't know what gave you the idea that you know more about everything than I do and you need to practice what you preach.

6. You are not a man. A man would never do those things. I pity you, because Karma is a bitch.

7. I don't ever want to see you and I wish that you would just disappear.

8. Why do you do this to me? I never did anything to you.

9. I am sorry.

10. Do you even really care?

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Happy Friday!!!

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