Thursday, May 11, 2006

5 Questions From Frecklface

After reading the interview done by the adorable freckleface I couldn't resist in participating.

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So here are her questions and my responses.

1. What flavor of ice cream would you be and why?

I would have to say vanilla, since I have fairly simple tastes in all aspects of my life. Plus, it goes with everything.

2. What do your doodles look like?

They are usually just a bunch of scribbles and in one continuous line.

3. Pick a favorite book, movie, or album and review it for us.

The last book that I read that was really great, was A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Although there was a great deal of controversy over whether or not the events in this book were true, it was still amazing. It gives you an insight into what a person goes through when overcoming drug and alcohol addictions while in rehab. The book was very graphic and goes through the daily struggles necessary to overcome the addiction and the I guess the best part of the book for me was the fact that the author was so successful. There is also a follow up book called My Friend Leonard that was really good as well.

4. What is something youve won and how did you win it?

The last cool thing that I won was a 100 dollars from the radio station Classic Rock 94.5. They have a contest where you enter your name and where you work and then every hour they call someone new to report to work. When they call your name you have 30 minutes to call in and then they have you announce the next song as a part of your job duties and they pay you for it. If the person of the hour doesnt call in, the previous announced person gets an additional 100 dollars and announces the next song. I was really lucky. I didnt actually hear my name called and a co-workers spouse in our other office called in and told him to call and let me know to call in. I made it minutes to spare.

5. (fill in the blank) _____ is dead sexy. (why?)

I think Ryan Reynolds is dead sexy.

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Need I say anymore?

Bonus What is your favorite childhood toy, and do you still have it?

My favorite childhood toy would have to be my teddy bears. I have two and each one was given to me by grandparents on both sides of my family at birth. They are no longer in my possession, because I passed each of them down to my two children. I wish I had pictures, because they are really a mess. lol

Alrighty folks now heres the guidelines for you!


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."

2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

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