Friday, May 26, 2006

Random Schmandon Basically Just Crap

Random shmandom....................basically just crap. 



-         My right bicep has been twitching like crazy for the last week. It is not a painful feeling, but it is rather uncomfortable and thus flippin annoying.


-         The first part of my password on my computer at work is bonur. Although not spelled the same as boner, I still associate the two as the same.  This is the company computer techs last little ha-ha to me before she quit. I am stuck with this password, which she new I would be, and it has become irritating to type in every morning.  Freakin bitch.



-         A man in Tulsa is charged with assault after hiding underneath a womans car and licking her toes.  When the woman walked to her car to put her groceries in after shopping apparently the guy slid out from under the car and started to lick her toes.  The woman, thinking it was a dog, looked down and seen the man and became screaming. WTF has this guy never heard of foot fungus before?


-         My mom is coming in a week or so and we havent talked in a really long time.  I dont know if I have the emotional energy to deal with this broken relationship right now.



-         I seriously need a vacation or a break from life.  I am so tired and stressed I feel like I am losing myself.  I bit off a little more than I can chew, as usual, and I dont know what to do to gain the control back. Even as I type this I feel the tears welling up, which is not normal for me.  Xanthan if you are reading this, I dont care if I look stupid from crying.  Its just one tear and you could be nice and bring me a tissue dammit.


-         Apparently I did the rain dance the wrong way and pissed of the rain gods. Every time my car window has gotten stuck down a few inches it has flippin rained.  Not just a sprinkle, but a down pour.  My car smells like an old wet dog.



-         I also just heard on the radio that an 18 yr old kid from Chesterton asked his best friend to hit him with his car for fun. The dumbass ends up in the hospital with many broken bones and tells police he is an adrenaline junky and wanted the rush.  It is no wonder this country is going to shit with morons like this taking up space on the earth.


-         I am hungry.  Anyone want to go get me some food?



-         My daughters graduation was awesome.  Thanks for all the congrats. She gave a 10 minute speech on how much she is going to miss her elementary school.  Only a few students were selected for this privilege and I so proud to be her mom at that time. She is my brilliant little star.


-         I hate chemistry, not because I can't do it, I just despise the shit for some unknown reason.  To top it off my professor is a damn smart ass.  He thinks its funny, me being a redneck, to enunciate the terms in front of the entire class the redneck way just me for. Like iron is iern and graduated is grajiated.  I don't even talk like this and the only way he knows I am redneck is because he asked where I was from.  A few nights ago I asked him for a fishing weight for an experiment we were conducting and he asked me why I didn't just go out to my car and pull off a lug nut and use it like the rednecks do.  I swear I almost stabbed my pen in his eye, but kindly responded that we rednecks are turning over a new leaf and obtaining jobs nowadays thus that practice is no longer used. We buy them just like everyone else.  What a fucker.


Well majority of this was just a bunch whining and bitching so sorry for that.  I am not usually this way.  Hopefully I will be feeling better after a long weekend filled with beer and hot lovin.



Happy Friday All!!!!!


*upadate* Please read this blog if you haven't already.Because your worth it

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