Monday, May 08, 2006

What's wrong with you people?

Recently I have noticed a great deal of bashing and insults being thrown around in myspace land. It seemed to have started out very small and then spread like wild fire throughout many other blogs. (There were even a few lives that were threatened.) The negativity was starting to bring me down and that is not what myspace is supposed to be about. It had gotten so bad that I had to take some time off on the blog readings, because I was so disgusted by other peoples ignorance. (I will be spending today trying to catch up. I haven't forgotten about you guys.)

I just don't understand what is wrong with these people that take it upon themselves to insult others unwarrantedly? What makes them think that their opinion is just so much more damn important than others that they have to share it with everyone else? Do they gain some kind of gratification in taking pleasure at someone elses expense? Hell if I know, but I can tell you this, its just bullshit. Plain and simple.

I recently had my bullshit drama with a certain AM radio talk show host who took it upon himself to use my blogs to gain a little attention for himself. He thought it would be funny to leave his 2 cents by insulting me amd some of my readers. I myself personally have no problem taking insults from others, since 9 out of 10 times what they are saying is partially true. I am comfortable enough with myself to take an insult and then just laugh about it, due to the stupidity of the person giving it. Basically I know what I am and I am okay with that. I may not be the richest, the smartest, or the prettiest, but I am me and that is awesome to me.

So I guess the whole point of this blog is, the next time you are thinking about throwing an insult out to someone else, ask yourself what is the point? What do you hope to really gain from it and are you willing to take the reaction of the person you are insulting? Why not try a little constructive criticism instead?

The following are the recent insults that I have gotten that I got the biggest laugh from:

White trash - My favorite lounge shirts happen to be wife beaters and I think it is stupid to drink a beer out of a glass. So yes I guess that makes me a little white trash. Dont care.

Redneck - This one is the funniest to me. People think that is an insult to call someone a redneck. It just means we live a different way of life. I use words phrases fixin to and I know how to ride a horse and I have been hunting on many occasionse. I have tasted rocky mountain oyster and eaten frog legs (FYI - both of which do not taste like chicken). Sound a little redneck to you? Yes it does.

My appearance seems looks a little beat - Well lately, yes it does. I work a normal 40 hours a week. I spend 3 hours weekly at the kids baseball practices and about 6 hours at their games. On Wednesday the kids have Awanas for 2 hours and 3 nights a week I take 4 hour long night classes. These do not include normal errands, dinners, cleaning, laundry, study time, and homework time. So yes I am beat. I dont get 3 good meals a day or enough sleep to function on and my physical needs have pretty much taken a back seat to my career goals. I realize that and except that it is all only temporary and I will be laughing all the way to the bank when I am done.

Hillbilly - Although I have never lived in areas where hillbillies come from, I live with a hillbilly at the moment. So I guess in a way some of his characteristics may have rubbed off on me and it is a possibility that I may be a little bit hillbilly.

Snob - When I was called this one, I got a real good laugh. I am not a real big snob, but I do live in an outrageously priced condo and I refuse to wear clothes from Wal-Mart. I dont talk to guys who are trying to hit on me and if I dont know you I probably wont talk to you either. I am not mean its just that I have so many other things going on in my life that I just dont pay attention to others around me. If that makes me a snob, then I guess I am.

Nerd - I understand science and computer topics really well. I can usually figure out what is wrong with a computer instantly or how to run a program with out any problems. I have a good memory when it comes to human anatomy and it is very easy for me to understand the concepts along with it. In a way I guess that makes me a nerd, but I couldnt tell you a damn thing about other subjects such as history. I draw blanks on dates, battles, and things along that nature.

Bitch - I can be pretty mean some of the times. So yes I can be a bitch, just like every other female on the face of the planet and just like every male on this planet at some point has been an asshole. Big deal.

Ignorant - Yes I would say that I can be ignorant some of the time. Some days I am running so low on energy that I will say and do the most ignorant things.

With all that being said it reminded me of a blog done by Kristie about a week ago. She did an interactive Johari and Nohari window and I figured that this would be a perfect time for you to offer me a little constructive criticism or boost my ego a little bit.

Click here for the Interactive Johari and lie you asses off about how much you love me: Johari


Click here for the Interactive Nohari and leave me some constructive criticism: Nohari

Happy Monday and for crying out loud be a little damn nicer to each other!

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