Sunday, May 14, 2006

Save Your Drama For Your Llama

It seems that the new drama issue on MySpace has become the use of microbanners. I have to shake my head at this. MySpace is fun and games people. Why do we feel the need to make more out of this than it is? If you don't like them, fine don't use them. They are merely a form of art for someones profile. They are no different than profile backgrounds, avatars, subscribe here banners, or the other millions of different ways that people pimp themselves or make their pages more attractive to others. It is just another way to differentiate between us. If you don't want me commenting on your blogs or being your friend because I use one, fine I won't. No biggy. I will respect your request and will still love you anyways.  I will also promise you that I will keep my banner at at a respectable size.  Everything in moderation. So please.....


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With all that being said, on to a more important issue. To all the wonderful mamas out there....

myspace, glitter graphics

Enjoy your day I am off to spend mine with my kids.  Happy Sunday to all.

And if you haven't already please read this Mothers Days Poem


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