Monday, May 22, 2006

Alpha Male

Alright so I am gonna go a little science nerd on you all here for a moment so bare with me.  For those of you that just booed and said f*ck this shit........bite me.  Your mind probably needs a little intellectual stimulation anyways.  Don't even try to tell me that sex blogs and shit stories are stimulating either. I don't buy it.


Anyways, I came across yet another little tidbit of information yesterday that just blew me away.  I don't know what is up with the strange and unusual fact this week.  Anyways......


Apparently we have found a true alpha-male.  Why do I say this? Well an international group of geneticists studying Y-chromosome data of 2,123 men across Asia have found that nearly 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongolian empire carry Y-chromosomes that are nearly identical.   Confused?  Lose a brain cell yet?  Read on.   Basically that translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world or roughly 16 million descendants living today. If you want to get even more technical you could say that 1 out of every 200 living males are sharing this same Y-chromosome.  Holy Shit!  


The Y-chromosome itself has the genes for making you a male and that is about the extent of their role.  It is the smallest chromosome and has only around 75 genes.  Unlike other chromosomes the Y-exchanges little DNA with its partner and as a result the Y-chromosome retains a largely undisturbed record of mutations.  Still with me?  Basically if you have Asian and/or European ancestors you might be included in the group of individuals above that all are related to the same single ancestor.   It is no wonder Asians all look so similar.  I see it clearly now. They are all related.  Anyways that is alot of people descending from just one person. Somebody was really getting their freak on.  Who is the person you might ask? Well early results have indicated that the distant father of all these men was from the Mongolia area around 800-1200 years ago and the most obvious candidate is Genghis Khan.   


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Not exactly my taste in a man.


For those of you that don't know who Genghis Khan is, here is a little background info and for Pete's sake please pick up a history book every now and then. Add a little substance to your intellect.


Genghis Khan had swept a savage force throughout the wastes of central Asia, for which they were utterly unprepared. He wildly exerted his force and scythed, hacked, slashed, and basically obliterated all that lay in his and his troops path and called it conquest. Typical man for ya.  He raped and pillaged all the way from Mongolia to the gates of Vienna. Once he captured a village or town, he would essentially kill all the men and rape the women.  His military conquests were frequently characterized by the extensive slaughter of the villages he defeated.  He is considered, by many, the greatest of the Asian warlords, he stood alone, and was revered as a God among warriors, marked out by the cold light of his grey green eyes, the savage furrow of his brow, and the fact that he could beat the shit out of any of them.  Basically he was just an asswipe.   


Of course saying that he is the true donor of this Y-chromosome is a mere scientific guess, because they don't actually have Genghis Khan's DNA.  His tomb remains hidden, but the search is still on to find it.  Once they have his DNA, then they can determine if he really was as fertile as this data suggests.


Sorry about all the science stuff.  Hope you still like me.  I just wanted to clear up the confusion to all the men-folk out there that the position of the alpha-male has been filled. lol


Happy Friday and drink a beer for me this weekend!!




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