Thursday, May 25, 2006

Last Time

This will be the last one of these flippin things that I will do. The only reason why I did it is, because the tagger Sunny is just to darn cute.

The first player of this game starts with the 6 weird/things/habits about yourself and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/ things, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Dont forget to leave a comment that says "youre tagged"in their comments and then tell them to read your blog.

1. In my 28 years on this earth I have managed to never run over an animal on the road.  I will literally swerve off the road and up the curb to miss hiting an animal. Yea the cars behind me love when this shit happens.

2. People who are highly intelligent or extremely aritistic fascinate me.  I am drawn to them and love the conversations I have with them.  I am not attracted to them, but I find their conversations mentally stimulating for me. So if I pay a great deal of attention to you, then you more than likely fall into one of the two categories.

3. Everyone in our family looks extremely young for their age.  I went on a ride with my dad on his Harley to Biker Night a while back and everyone thought I was his girlfriend instead of his daughter. I don't know how they assumed this since we in no way acted that way, but whatever. 

4. My step-momma is 3 whopping years older than me. She is an ex-Hooter's girl and X-ray tech and is now a licensed contractor for the family business. She does the majority of my clothes shopping, since I hate the mall, and she is one of my bestest friends.

5. We still use the old fashioned AOL dial-up internet at home. I am too cheap to pay for cable internet.  Chris is still working on it and I am sure I will give in eventually.

6. I am a Friends addict. I love the damn show. Chris and I actually spent like 3 months watching all 10 seasons from start to finish.  I can pretty much answer any question about any episode.

Well that is it.  I am really not that interesting of a person and I will be tagging:

1. Cookie Monster

2. Spongebob

3. Big Bird                       

4. Mickey Mouse  

5. Donkey Kong

6. Beavis and Butthead

NO Tagbacks!!!!!!

Happy Thursday

Blog suggestion:  Kill Reality


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