Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Questions You Asked Part 3

Well this is the last and final installment of this series (for now anyways don't hold me to it).  The semester has started for me and so my time on here will be less than before.  You gonna miss me? I will miss you. Anyways in case you guys hadn't noticed Chris (Devil Inside) and I are opposite yet alike on so many different things and this series of Q & A has pretty much shown that.  So enjoy and thank you so much to those who submitted questions to all the series.  We got quite a few hotties this round so.......On to the questions.......


The following were asked by Boo-Boo Kitty Fuck.

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1. There's never been a documented "real" one, but do you believe there are real psychics out there?


Chris: Yes and I am one of them. I know what youre thinking right now and you have a dirty mind. (By the way thanks. *winks*)

Cara: Yes I do.  I have seen and read about many cases where psychics have helped detectives in solving a murder or kidnapping case.


2. If you could eliminate one species off the planet forever what would it be?


Chris:  Cockroaches. I hate those fucking things.   Living in Florida you see ones the size of small cars.

Cara:  Spiders. Those things are my one true phobia.  Those little bastards can send me into a freakin anxiety attack in 0.2 seconds.  I hate feeling that weak about something, but there you go.


The following was asked by Your Majesty...Miss Cina.

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1. Cina to Cara: Have you ever accidentally farted when Chris has gone down on you?  If did you play it off?  If you haven't how would you play it off?


Cara: I swear girl you make me laugh to the point where I cant control it anymore.  No. I have not farted during his muff diving before. If I had I probably would laugh my ass off and ask him if he wanted another.  We are both extremely comfortable with each other sexually, so it really wouldnt be a big deal.  I am positive though he would return the favor.  


2. Cina to Chris: Do you check out other guys members in the gym shower?  If so...just exactly what are you looking for?


Chris: I havent been in a gym shower since junior high, but back then I think every boy did it to see if someone was one up on you with the pubic hair.


The following were asked by wicked game aka ~idiot assassin~

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1.  If you were stranded on a desert island

-What hottie would you bring?


Chris: My girlfriend Cara, but I would have to remove her tongue so she couldnt give me shit all the time.

Cara:  I would have to bring the thorn to my rose Chris and lots and lots and lots of Xanax.  Seriously lots of it.  Although he is a pain, I couldnt live without him.


-What item of food would you take that was of an endless supply?

Chris: Even though it tears my stomach up, I would have to say pepperoni and I would bring Muenster cheese along to make up the difference.

Cara:  I guess it would have to be cheetos.  Despite the fact that they turn my fingers orange and leave my orange finger prints everywhere, I love the damn things.


-What 2 items would you bring to assist your survival?

Chris: My cigarettes and alcohol.  Even though Cara is a great woman I need these things to survive with her.

Cara: Smokes and a tazer.  Can you guess what the tazer is for?


2.  How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Chris: I dont know about the tootsie pop, but I know how many licks it takes me on Cara.

Cara: Exactly 3 licks.  I am a biter.  


3.  Would you make out with me?

-if so, give me 3 reasons why you say yes

-if not, why not?


Chris: As long as your old man wouldnt shoot me he looks like a gangsta.

1. The pouty face makes you look like you need it.

2. Kissing is always fun.

3. Because I am a man and that is what we do.


Cara:  Sure why not.

1. Because I havent kissed you before.

2. Very pretty.

3. Why should Chris get to have all the fun?



The following were asked by Side Trak Productions.

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1.  Why is it that we park in a driveway and drive on the parkway?

Chris: Why is the sky blue? Fuck if I know.


Cara:  First of all, I shall be over promptly after answering this question to beat you.  I lost a great deal of brain cells trying to come up with an answer to this.  (P.S. thanks for the bubble wrap. I love that shit.) This is all I could come up with.  It is that way, because we are Americans and we do everything assbackwards anyways and we sometimes like to confuse the masses just to keep them on their toes.


2.  If you could go anywhere in the world to see, where would it be?

Chris: Although you know this already, its Amsterdam.  You are supposed to go with me.

Cara:  I would have to say China or Japan.  I have always been fascinated by the culture and their countries both have a great deal of history to them.  Oh and I would take a boat ride over to see my girl Hezz after that.


All right thats that.  After answering all those questions we want to ask all of you a question.  First person to get it right gets a naked pic and a bag of m & m's.


What has 5(sometimes 4) hands but is normal?



Happy Thursday!!!                                             PEACE



Thirsty Thursday blog suggestion is Senior Gregorios.  Check him out he is damn funny.  Also check out Devil Insides poem he is a man of many skills.





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